Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Rick Gold

I first became aware of the phenomenon known as Rick Rolling when we were asked to promote a re-release of Rick Astleys's 80's hit "Never Gonna Give You Up". The re-release came about after an American Radio DJ took it upon himself to play the single every time a listener rang in to request a track on his show regardless of what the request actually was.

I think this was a hilarious prank and I hope it backfired with at least one caller requesting a song such as “Eye of The Tiger” to help spur them on to quit a heroin addiction only to have “Never Gonna Give You Up” played for them instead.

Youtube also clearly found this hilarious and got involved by Rickrolling their homepage so that if you clicked on any featured video you instead got the video to “Never Gonna Give You Up”.

My brother knew I was aware and a fan of Rick Rolling and so kindly alerted me to the video below, which is probably my favourite to date. Apologies if this is second hand news to you but as Stars kindly pointed out, most of the stuff people blog about appeared somewhere else first, with the exception of the amazing mp3's featuring on her blog very soon., which you can check out here http://sweeeeeeeeeeet.blogspot.com/

And for now enjoy US President Barack Obama being Rick Rolled, possibly the only man who could have this done and still look cool and command respect.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

News Justin: Jesus is full of hot air

Now I don't like Justin Lee Collins at the best of times, however I do like the idea of watching him have a nervous break down on TV. Little did I know that by sacrificing a hour of my life to the convention crashers "Clown Convention" Episode, my reward would be just this.

I won't bore you with the details but in order to make his clown act as convincing as possible JLC decided to shave of his USP and trademark; his beard.

The result was this...

You can't quite appreciate just how bad this looked from this picture as you can't make out the the bizarre bruising/birthmarks/beetroot stains that were dotted around JLC's neck/chin(s) but you get the idea...

Better still was the way the removal of said beard resulted in a Samson-like loss of powers. If you take JLC's powers to be the ability to be ridiculously confident, whilst being not particularly funny then take away the beard and you have a fat insecure idiot who actually succeeds in being less funny than he already wasn't!

The other highlight for me in the show was discovering that a large group of Clowns at the convention were very devout Christians and they even had a Clown Minister who held services for the clowns throughout the convention. It has to be said that spreading the word of Christ through clowning really proves without a doubt that faith is no laughing matter and something to be taken very seriously.

My favourite of the Clowns of Christs had the remarkable ability of being able to make a balloon sculpture of the our lord and saviour, Jesus Christ and in under two minutes!

Sadly I can't find the video but here's a picture!

The genius that created this didn't stop here.. Oh god no. He did what any any man in his situation and with this "gift" would do and re-created "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci in balloon form.

In my search for the above pictures I was amazed to discover that this was not the only man on this planet to think that making a balloon model of Jesus was a good idea. Here are two others that I just have to share...

Napoleon Dynamites sister?

And best of all, this creation...

Now as I have never had to drag a crucifix through town that I am about to be nailed to I can't really speak from experience but I am pretty sure that if I were to do this I would struggle to get a hard on. If for no other reason than because I would not like to put the idea in my captors that it might be worth bringing a extra nail.

At least the sculpture appears to have been reasonably generous to the son of God s0 hopefully when he comes back from the dead and see's this he won't be too cross (sorry)

I'll leave you with this

Sunday, 15 February 2009

The man that looks like a thumb

I found this picture on facebook after a friend commented on it, on one of their friends profiles

The person had captioned it "The Man that looks like a Thumb"

I damn near pissed myself and felt I should make my own tribute to this great picture

I mustered up some colleagues to fill in the people in the background and used my own thumb to play the man who looks like a thumb. Whilst it is a pretty lose representation I am pretty pleased with the outcome.

Quick update on the gym: I went again Saturday (day after puke-gate) and by chance Matty was waiting at reception as I arrived.

He look surprised that I was back for more punishment so soon, and this must have registered with the receptionist (who I had never seen before) as she piped up and said "Oh are you the guy that puked?"

I fessed up and said a sarcastic "Thanks Matty" only for her inform me that it was Kyle (the guy that signed me up) that had told her." As far as I was knew Matty was the only one aware of my sickly session but it would appear that he must of had a good old brag to the rest of the staff a la "I totally made that skinny kid puke up his protein shake"

Matty kindly gave me another half hour of his time for free to sculpt my guns (currently water pistols) and came out with a great one liner I feel I need to share. It came after I told him I had an organic chicken and mushroom pie for lunch to get some good protein in me pre-gym. Matty made a face like I had just suggested that toe nail clippings could power a Boeing 747 and delivered the line "I don't care if Jesus made your pie its not got protein in it unless is says protein on it".. I can only imagine that Matty doesn't even take the wrappers off his protein bars for fear.

One final thing, the guys at the gym recommended I watch this video. Un-fucking-real enjoy and I wonder if California know their Governor is "Cumming Day and Night"

Peas Out

Friday, 13 February 2009

I've started, will I finish?

So here it is.. my first ever blog.. I never thought it would happen and in all honesty it probably shouldn't have and in fact wouldn't have if it wasn't for Holly who's blog I recommend you follow


Why I posted a link to Holly's blog when she is highly likely to be the sole reader of mine I do not know and also after I have clearly stylistically raped her profile (albeit in a Emporio Matalan or Primarni sort of a way)

I should probably start by explaining the meaning behind my blog name "Mushy Peace", which is a shame because it doesn't have one. I was originally going to call it "Dropping A Blog" but unsurprisingly it had already gone. Dropping A Blog is shit incidentally, which if intended (which I suspect it is not) would make it arguably passable as funny. Incidentally fear not this is not going to be a blog dedicated to puns. Even I a self confessed pun lover knows that would be shit and would therefore probably be at home best on Dropping A Blog.

This blog is actually the third in a series of new starts for me this month, the first of which was attempting to pull of a moustache (see profile pic).

This all started when I came across this (almost literally despite not actually being "a gay") in the reception of EMI publishing.

Quite why I thought that if Brad Pitt being could pull it off then I could escapes me but that combined with my hairdresser getting so "into the haircut" that she got into my facial hair, left me with no choice. If I lived in Shoreditch this would be fairly standard and perfectly acceptable but I don't. I live in Camden and work in central London, where rather than fitting in you just look like a bit of a cunt.

On top of this my facial hair has always, at best looked as if a child had drawn it and has the ability to disappear from visibility the further you stand away from it. Having said that top lip has always been the area of strongest growth so I guess I should celebrate it once in my younger life before I become riddled with arthritis preventing me from being able to control it.

My new look has so far garnered comparisons to famous people such as Adolf Hitler, that guy from Sparks, Freddy Mercury, and a 1950's aircraft pilot but alas not Brad. Some of my colleagues were also kind enough to email me pictures of there supposed "lookalikes" just in case I wasn't aware of how shit they looked.

Wrong as it is I actually quite like this one and disturbing to know that Hitler appears to have been endorsed by some of my favourite designer brands.

How long the tash will last I don't know but for now I will stick with the shit stain on my top lip (as it was delightfully described by a colleague).

The other new start for me was a gym membership, which I also started this week with the intention of beefing up for the beaches in Beefa this summer. I had my taster session on Friday with an a apparently "Very Personal Trainer" I didn't like the sound of this, I imagined he'd be joining me in the shower to show me how to "wash properly". In case you think I was willing to pay for this humiliation it was actually free when signing up to the gym. My trainer "Matty" (apparently a specialist in my body type - Endomorphic aka skinny fucker) turned out to have veins bigger than my biceps and it looked like that the only thing he knew about my body type was how to eat it whole without chewing.

Mid way through my workout I had to rush to the toilet to throw up my protein shake breakfast which thankfully still tasted like strawberry and was one of the most most enjoyable voms of my life and second only to the infamous rasperry ripple flavoured (and coloured) chewit sick that I ejected on a riveting school trip to B&Q on my 10th Birthday (I know what you're thinking. You wish you had a birthday that good, you only got to go to lazer quest)

Matty kindly descibed my being sick at the gym as a "right of passage" and even tried passed it off as something to brag to my mates about. Whilst "hey man i worked out so hard i puked" almost works with Matty's American accent an body builder physique it seemed like it wouldn't be as convincing coming from me. However it did installed a new found sense of energy to proceed with the workout.. Sadly this entusiasm and cofidence was to be dashed on the rocks 5 minutes later when Matty pointed out that a girl half my size was lifting three times the weight I had been struggling to on the lunge bar. He also made sure she heard it and she was cute. Thanks Matty, Thatty (Look Around You fans will like that)

I put on a brave face and told her she was "my inspiration" but I was pretty sure she could smell the sweat and the sick which, combined with my gaunt face (the same colour as the cat piss coffee that Maccy D's and Bagel Mania seem to specialize in) and the only glimmer of colour on my face coming from the dodgy tash. I could tell this was not a strong look and can only hope she was stood far enough away to not see the tash or maybe just mistook it for a cappucino stain.

Right this has been far to long already future posts will not be if in fact there ever are any. I definitely can not promise to keep this, the tash or the gym up as I have a history of starting things and not finishing th