I first became aware of the phenomenon known as Rick Rolling when we were asked to promote a re-release of Rick Astleys's 80's hit "Never Gonna Give You Up". The re-release came about after an American Radio DJ took it upon himself to play the single every time a listener rang in to request a track on his show regardless of what the request actually was.
I think this was a hilarious prank and I hope it backfired with at least one caller requesting a song such as “Eye of The Tiger” to help spur them on to quit a heroin addiction only to have “Never Gonna Give You Up” played for them instead.
Youtube also clearly found this hilarious and got involved by Rickrolling their homepage so that if you clicked on any featured video you instead got the video to “Never Gonna Give You Up”.
My brother knew I was aware and a fan of Rick Rolling and so kindly alerted me to the video below, which is probably my favourite to date. Apologies if this is second hand news to you but as Stars kindly pointed out, most of the stuff people blog about appeared somewhere else first, with the exception of the amazing mp3's featuring on her blog very soon., which you can check out here http://sweeeeeeeeeeet.blogspot.com/
And for now enjoy US President Barack Obama being Rick Rolled, possibly the only man who could have this done and still look cool and command respect.
I think this was a hilarious prank and I hope it backfired with at least one caller requesting a song such as “Eye of The Tiger” to help spur them on to quit a heroin addiction only to have “Never Gonna Give You Up” played for them instead.
Youtube also clearly found this hilarious and got involved by Rickrolling their homepage so that if you clicked on any featured video you instead got the video to “Never Gonna Give You Up”.
My brother knew I was aware and a fan of Rick Rolling and so kindly alerted me to the video below, which is probably my favourite to date. Apologies if this is second hand news to you but as Stars kindly pointed out, most of the stuff people blog about appeared somewhere else first, with the exception of the amazing mp3's featuring on her blog very soon., which you can check out here http://sweeeeeeeeeeet.blogspot.com/
And for now enjoy US President Barack Obama being Rick Rolled, possibly the only man who could have this done and still look cool and command respect.